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YeVette "AQueen" Trench

"The Motivator"

Both love and faithfulness involve actions as well as attitudes. A loving person not only feels love he or she also acts loyally ad responsibly. A faithful person not only believes the truth he or she also works for justice for others. Thoughts and words are not enough, our loves reveal weather we are truly loving and faithful.  "Love is patient, love is kind, let love and faithfulness never leave you bind them around your neck write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will  win faor and a good name in the sight of God and man.

Self -Love & Personal Growth

Motivational Concepts of Positive Thinking

I am Enough

"I AM Enough" serves as a powerful positive affirmation that reinforces your inherent value and worth, both to the world around you and to yourself. This simple yet impactful statement emphasizes the importance of self-love and acceptance, reminding you that you are complete and worthy just as you are!

Never Give Up

"Never Give Up'" is a daily reminder of what your working toward. It keeps you aligned with your goals and future aspirations. It will take some hard work and mental toughness, perseverance and determination to stay focused. Remember discipline is better than sacrifice, so plan ahead setting daily weekly and mothly goals which are the stepping stones to the big goal (short an long term)

Faith Over Fear

Fear can be a dauting obstacle that holds us back and keep us from reaching our full potential however with faith we can conquer our fears and find the courage to pursue our dreams. Faith empowers us to live with confidence and joy and to overcome the challenges that come our way. Let faith be your guide and fear will lose its power over you. 

Impossible is Nothing 

The phrase "impossible is nothing"   transforms your mindset and guides your actions  in achieving your goals. Even well-known brands such as Adidas use this slogan to inspire their customers. This powerful affirmation has proven to monumental in the journey of some of the most influential leaders in modern day history, It transform how you see every situation and challenge instantly influencing how one thinks, speaks and approach challenges. Leading to a mindset of growth and positivity our way of thinking from" I'm trying to" to "I am"

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